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Sant’Anna School
of University Studies and Specialization

The School of University Studies and Specialization Sant’Anna in Pisa is a public institution of higher education with the aim to promote and strengthen, with postgraduate studies, the scientific culture.

It continues the ancient and illustrious tradition of previous college, accepting students may not present in the Scuola Normale Superiore, whose regulations are modeled on his teaching and his community life.

Traditional purpose of the School is to train scientific research and teaching gifted young scholars. It is eloquent testimony to the large number of university professors from the University of Pisa and other Italian universities were students at the school. Yet from the beginning, the school has paid particular attention to the world of work in general, represented by public institutions and enterprises, which, next to a university career, is the natural outcome of his students.

History of School

The School of University Studies and Specialization Sant’Anna of Pisa was founded in 1987 by the merger of the School of University Studies and Specialization Conservatory with St. Anne.

Both institutions had a long tradition. The School of University Studies and Specialization is ideally linked to the disciplines of law and medicine, the College founded in 1593 by Ferdinand I Grand Duke to accommodate students of the faculties of medicine and law and Puteano College, founded in 1605 by Archbishop Carlo Antonio Dal Pozzo to accommodate students of medicine, law and philosophy from the town of Biella. These institutions were later re-found in 1931 with the birth of the College of Sciences Corporate Mussolini in 1932 the National Medical College, both appendages to the Scuola Normale Superiore. In 1967 these colleges were spun off to be melted by the institution of affiliation with the University for Applied Sciences Pacinotti Antonio, who in the meantime (1951) was established to accommodate students of the faculties of agriculture, economics and engineering.

With the establishment of the School of University Studies and Specialization, sanctioned by law March 7, 1967, No 117, is then completed a coherent plan of linking existing institutions, with common goals of education and assistance for the benefit of deserving students, and working in two major subject areas of Social Sciences and Experimental and Applied Sciences, formed respectively by the faculties of economics and trade, law and political science, and agronomy, engineering and medicine.

Anne was the Conservatory was established in 1785 for the education of young people, by the Grand Duke Peter Leopold of Lorraine, the premises of a fourteenth-century Benedictine nunnery dedicated to St. Anne and the neighboring convent of St. Jerome, once occupied by Jesuit friars (1471-1668). The suppression of religious orders (1770-1785) the Grand Duke had allowed such an operation within the framework of the institution of Conservative women in various cities of the Grand Duchy. Like other conservatives, this depended on the Secretariat of the Royal Grand Ducal law and, after the unification of Italy, the Ministry of Education.

With the founding law of February 14, 1987 No 41 in the Higher School of University Studies and Specialization Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies confluence of the College and the Conservatory Specialist and Anne. They give life to such an institution with its own legal, disciplinary and administrative autonomy, according to the model of the SNS, which has long established itself as a school of excellence in the humanities and sciences. With the birth of the School of University Studies and Specialization Sant’Anna is confirmed to be the special vocation of Pisa as a place of high school to collegiate structure, working alongside and in harmony with the University of Pisa, as centers of promotion of scientific culture and to attract gifted students from every Italian region and abroad.