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Camposanto monumentale pisa

Monumental Cemetery

Address: Piazza del Duomo
Postal Code: 56126
City: Pisa
Location: Pisa
Phone: 050 3872211 / 212
Fax: 050 560505

The Monumental Cemetery was founded in 1277 and designed by Giovanni di Simone and completed in 1464. The interior walls were covered with a beautiful series of frescoes, starting with the Triumph of Death, attributed to Buonamico Buffalmacco, continued with the works by Spinello Aretino, Antonio Veneziano, Andrea da Firenze, Taddeo Gaddi, Benozzo Gozzoli and Piero di Puccio .

The cycle of paintings was unfortunately severely damaged by an artillery shell that struck in August 1944 the lead roof of the cemetery, causing melting and subsequent pouring along the frescoed walls. Damaged during the removal of frescoes from the walls were brought to light the original preparatory drawings (preparatory drawings) of the works. Returned to their beauty is an exceptional historical document sinopias-guarded art museum in the nearby Sinopia.


  1. From November to February: from 10:00 to 17:00
  2. March: from 9.00 to 17.30
  3. From April to September: from 8.30 to 20.00
  4. October: 9.00 to 19.00

Access to the monuments is permitted until 30 minutes before closing.


  1. Monument 1: € 5.00 (from a choice of Baptistery, Monumental Cemetery, the Cathedral Museum, Museum of Sinopia)
  2. 2 monuments: € 6.00
  3. 4 monuments: € 8.00

School groups

  1. Monument 1: € 2.00
  2. 2 monuments: € 3.00
  3. 4 monuments: € 4.00

Please note that for schools to visit the monumental complex of Piazza del Duomo of Pisa is available an educational workshop led by experienced staff.

Directions from Pisa Central Station
By bus:
• LAM Rossa direction 1 (St. James), the bus stop Torre Railway Station 6 to 1