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Marconi Museum and Research Centre

Marconi Museum and Research Centre (to build) Former radio station Colt-56121-Pisa Each year, through the initiative of amateur Pisa, the former radio station is part of the great circuit that…

Museum of Human Anatomy and Pathology

Museum of Human Anatomy and Pathology Via Roma, 57 - Pisa 050-992888 / 992894 @ g.fornaciari do.med.unipi.it University Museum - Tel. Department of Oncology, Transplantation and new technologies in medicine.…

Museum of Human Anatomy

Museum of Human Anatomy Via Roma, 55 - Pisa 050-2218601 2218606 Department of Human Morphology and Applied Biology - Section of Human Anatomy and Histology and Medical Embryology. Free admission…

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Everything ‘and that’ useful knowledge for those living, studying or is on vacation in Pisa, not only the city ‘… the magnificent Leaning Tower but an entire province full of…